
Tuesday 22 December 2015

An Insight to the Leaf Madness

Here's a few photos and videos that capture the mass amounts of leaves that fall each year at Pike Lake, both on the golf course and in the trailer park.  It's a long grueling process each fall. It not only involves keeping playing areas clean, but also getting RID of the leaves on the golf course.

As stated in a previous post, the leaves are either mulched, vacuumed up and dumped in a compost site, or they are blown to treed areas that are out of play where they can naturally compost without affecting play.

The leaf clean up process typically begins in late September with a couple minor areas of debris to manage.  But it quickly escalates into being the main priority of the maintenance staff. It's such an overwhelming amount of leaves that no time can be spared or the battle will be a losing one.  The leaf clean up usually lasts until snow fall and it most often carried on the following spring.  This season, however, the weather was very cooperative and we were able to put the golf course to bed very clean with hardly a leaf on the property!

The process is long and occurs in the rainy, colder season - autumn.  It can be discouraging for the maintenance staff because it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  As quick as we tidy as area, it's covered with leaves again. So we'd like to send a big thanks to our staff and anyone who helped contribute to the success of the leaf clean up this season. It will pay dividends in the spring!

 Note the amount of leaves still on the trees!